
といってもいつもの遠藤先生。日本情報社会学会(JASI)発行の英語学会誌第一号に、遠藤先生の2005年の論文「ネット・メディアと<公共圏>」の英訳版が掲載。該当箇所にしっかり"Muneo house"の字が踊っています。

2.5 The new form of assembly action that has the Net as its media

On the other hand, recent collective action in the is increasing. Examples are "Muneo house"6) in 2002, "matrix off"7) in 2003 and the "origami bird movement" 8). These which take place in the real world using the "seeds (neta)" created on the Net as the medium are also called "neta off"9) The big . feature of "neta off" is that it shows strong avoidance of a "political nature" trying to present itself as "nonsense performance".
ENDO, Kaoru, "The Net Media and the Public Sphere", Journal of Socio-Informatics Vol.1, No.1, p.53
